Message from National Director
Welcome to ACT-SO on NAACPConnect!
NAACPConnect is the official hub for all things NAACP ACT-SO online. The time has come for the world to see the promise of the future. NAACPConnect is the social networking hub for the youth and young adults in the NAACP to interact. Its the place for the brightest and best young people of color to showcase their talents, share best practices, ignite social change and build the best future possible.
I challenge you to engage with NAACPConnect via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google+. Use the #ACTSO hashtag whenever you’re sharing content related to your experience, dreams and passions.
NAACP ACT-SO is the place for you to explore your academic and creative passions free from judgement. This is the place where professionals, mentors and your peers desire to see you succeed. Take advantage of your days in NAACP ACT-SO. Each moment helps shape your life within the NAACP and beyond.
Remember, NAACPConnect is your online community to engage multiple generations around your achievement and social justice advocacy issues.
Chart your course. Share your story. Change the world!
I will always ACT-SO,
Larry Brown, Jr.
National Director, NAACP ACT-SO