NAACP ACT-SO Competitions Take Place Across The US, Awarding Students
Fourteen students participants wait to be announced at the Bloomington-Normal NAACP fifth Annual ACT-SO Awards ceremony at Illinois State University's Hancock Stadium Club on Sunday. | Photo: LORI ANN COOK-NEISLER, The Pantagraph
Ollie Barnes, ACT-SO co-chair; Jashala Wilson, Phoenix High Schoo; Miles Pruitt, Kalamazoo Central High School; Jamila McKenzie, Portage Northern High School; Charles Warfield, president of the Metropolitan Kalamazoo Branch of the NAACP; Martell Gardner, Phoenix High School, and Janelle Farrakhan, ACT-SO chair.
Chattanooga NAACP ACT-SO awarded out over a dozen medals to local Academic Olympians.
Competitors who were awarded gold medals will travel to the 37th Annual NAACP National ACT-SO Competition, which will be held in Philadelphia, from July 9-12.